TerrierTown General Forum
Help, Please
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Belle, Treasure, Olivia
June 21 at 16:17

Help, Please
I've been trying to make an invitation for my two granddaughters for a "Girls Only Dinner" I have a couple of samples and just wanted to see which one you liked. If you don't like either one and have any good ideas, I would love to hear them. They are 3 and 4. The 3 year old has a baby brother, so she likes to get out by herself sometimes. LOL
Thanks for all of your ideas Debbie
Belle, Treasure, Olivia
June 21 at 16:18

Re: Help, Please
Here is the second one
July 02 at 09:45

Re: Help, Please
I like the second one myself (more formal font) but the girls might like the font on the first one better. Either way, they are cute as a bug's ear and I think those girls will be so excited to have a personal invitation!
July 02 at 20:16

Re: Help, Please
Thank you so much for your thoughts. I ended up choosing the first because I thought it was less formal (although the second was my personal favorite.) The girls did love the special card made just for them. We are going to have our special dinner and spend-the-night party tomorrow. They were so excited when they got the card that they started packing the day they got it.
Belle, Treasure, Olivia, and Debbie
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