TerrierTown General Forum
I'm not very happy!
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July 09 at 18:59

I'm not very happy!
I think I'm a lucky dog-I've gone almost 10 years and no real illnesses. We got my tests back and I have-TWO-kinds of bacteria in my bladder. So I get two different antibiotics. One bacteria is known to cause stones so in three weeks I have to have tests run again and x-rays. I'm not likeing this-AT ALL!! Please, send good vibes so THERE ARE NO STONES....I DON'T WANT TO HAVE SURGERY!! Thanks.
Belle, Treasure, Olivia
July 09 at 21:16

Re: I'm not very happy!
Oh, Penny, we are soooo sad and sorry to hear that you are not feeling well and that you are going to have to have all of those nasty little tests. On top of that you have to take those antibiotic things also. All of us in our little family will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. We are also sending you lots and lots of Westie hugs, hoping they will make you feel a little better. It might be good if you try to drink lots of water. Please take really good care of yourself! Also, let us know how it is going. Tell Jack we said hi.
Belle, Treasure, Olivia, and Debbie
July 09 at 22:27

Re: I'm not very happy!
Thank you for the prayers! I always drink lots of water....mom, says she don't know where I put all the water I drink because I'm so little. She was afraid I was in pain, but the dogtor says, probably not. She was worried about me taking 2 different antibiotics at the same time, he says it shouldn't be a problem. Mom's still a worry-wart!
Jack, says hi back-at-you, ALL, you beautiful girlies! He thinks he a casanova or something, I think,.....or something is more like it!!!heehee Time, for our last 'outing' before night-night. Thanks again, well update when we know something. Have missed talking to you.
Penny, Jack and Cora
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