TerrierTown General Forum
Our Outing for Today
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Treasure and Olivia
August 29 at 18:20

Our Outing for Today
When our mommy put our leash on we just thought for sure we were going for an extra walk, but got a big surprise. Our outing for this afternoon was not very much fun! It was to the vet lady! It was a little fun to go to a kind of different place and smell all of the smells and see all of the people. But, it all ended when we went back to that room. Things get done in that room that you wouldn't believe unless they happened to you. We can't even believe our mom would take us there to begin with.
This is Treasure--Mommy said that I was such a sweet little girl and only made little sounds when they started to poke you in places you wouldn't believe. It was kind of humiliating--that's for sure! But, I've learned my lessons well and was such a sweetie! I'll let Olivia tell you about the show she decided to put on.
Olivia--I just couldn't help myself. First I saw all of the people and got excited; smelled all of the doggie and kittie smells and got excited; and then we walked to back and saw new things and got excited. Everyone could tell how excited I was by the way I was walking and wriggling. Then it came time for that vet lady to look at me. I'll tell you she didn't just want to look at me; she decided to start poking things into me--little oh me! I sure did let them know I DID NOT like it. It took my mommy, the vet lady, and the tech to hold me down, and I'm the littlest one. They all said I am very strong--It is all the squirrel hunting. They finally did all they needed to do and atleast gave me a couple of little treats. I'll tell you, I had to come home and take a nap after all of that!
Treasure and Olivia
August 31 at 15:39

Re: Our Outing for Today
Hi girls!!
It's me Jack and I went to the vet too on Friday. Do I hate that place!! I am always a good boy....Mom says so too. But I hate them putting 'things' where the sun don't shine!! And, then, HE PUTS THIS BIG THING IN MY EAR TO SEE INSIDE! He wants mom to change my diet, again! We wish he'd make up his mind....THIS NEW STUFF WELL.... I ATE AROUND IT!!HAHAHA Poor old mom, she just worries herself to death about my ear infections and nothing's helped yet! Otherwise I am just as fat and sassy as ever!!
August 31 at 17:33

Re: Our Outing for Today
Hi Jack, It is me, Treasure. I really do good at the vets, but Olivia just loves to see people and that kind of gets her started. Then those people she loves starts poking on her and I think she just doesn't understand.
Anyway, I have a little infection in my left ear--my first one. So Mommy is having to put that medicine in it-yuck! My mommy says atleast I don't run and hide like I used to when she wanted to put cleaner in it. Hope your ears get better really soon, and mine too.
Have a great Labor Day!
Treasure and the rest of us!
September 01 at 21:51

Re: Our Outing for Today
Hey Miss Treasure, hope your ear is all better!! Mom says mine looks a little better. We REALLY REALLY REALLY hope you are far far away from any of that hurricane!! Hope you had a fun and exciting Labor Day!! We think anytime we have our mom home for an extra day, it's special.
Jack, Penny and Mom-too
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